२७ फाल्गुण २०८१, मंगलबार

Sonaha Bikash Samaj (SBS) is a non-governmental, nonprofitable, civil society organization, initially set up as a small organization in 2011 by a group of Sonaha. It was officially registered in 2011 as Sonaha Bikash Samaj (SBS) in District Administration office Bardiya and Social welfare Council in 2011 A.D. With the passage of time, SBS has been able to expand itself into one of the recognizable organization in Bardiya district and Nepal together with its diverse development programs covering the indigenous and poorest people through the integrated programs.

SBS has been initially implemented Pig Farm Project funded by GNI, Nepal from 2011 to 2015  for the first phase. SBS has been implementing Activities under the Bardiya Community Development Project with the technical and financial support of Good Neighbors International (GNI-Nepal) from September 2016. Sonaha Bikash Samaj is working under the Bardiya Community Development Project in 1 Rural Municipality and 2 municipalities of the Bardiya district named Geruwa Rural Municipality (previous Patabhar VDC, Gola VDC, Manau VDC) Madhuban Municipality (previous Sanoshree-Taratal Municipality) and Rajapur Municipality respectively.

Mission and Vision


Sonaha Bikas Samaj envisages the society where each and every citizen would live dignified life having the opportunity on health, education, livelihood, justice, peace, and prosperity.


To improve the lives of the poorest rural people, particularly sponsored children, rural women, peasants, landless people, and other disadvantaged and socially oppressed strata of Nepalese society by providing them opportunities for their socio-economic empowerment.

#Our Strategy

The poor are often unorganized and do not possess the capacity, skills, and confidence to benefit from the project as much as the non-poor. The poor would need to be mobilized, capacitated and organized in order to realize and sustain the expected positive impacts of the project. In order to address this issue, SBS Bardiya adopts a three-pronged program strategy consisting of (i) social mobilization (ii) capacity development, and (iii) local institution building.

Social mobilization helps generate confidence and collective strength among the poor to identify their development problems, potentials and priorities, and this sets the ground for planning and implementing the project activities as part of their development priorities. The second element – capacity development – is about raising their skills and capacities to actually implement those priorities. Finally, the third element – local institution building – will help establish their organization at the local level through which they can sustain and upscale, the project activities and impacts after the external support is phased out.



SBS focuses all its development program on Sponsorship, Education, Livelihood, Health &WASH, and Cross-cutting issues based on child rights and advocacy as well as community income generation and capacity enhancement of local institution. The four-fold approach of Sonaha Bikash Samaj is Child, Family, Community, and Local institution as the foundation upon which its program and project activities are based. The focus lies on the following four key building blocks:

  • Education and infrastructure:- To work together with sponsorship modality for quality education to achieve SDG goal.

  • Livelihood :- To fight poverty and hunger through cooperative business.

  • Health :- To prevent disease, and promote rights to health and WASH.

  • Advocacy/Self-Government :- To overcome civic and community base institution inertia through institutional development leading to self-reliance.

Social Media


Sonaha Bikash Samaj
Address : Rajapur Municipality-1, Himalipur, Bardiya Nepal
Phone : +977 9864877650 / 9814592412
Email : [email protected]
