२७ फाल्गुण २०८१, मंगलबार

Sonaha Bikash Samaj

SBS Bardiya is working with 6 cooperatives to deliver financial and non-financial services to the sponsored family members. The cooperatives have the potential to foster economic growth in the communities and build a spirit of cooperation. The SBS Bardiya aims to develop the cooperative as a sustainable development partner.

Out of cooperative, 3 cooperatives actively participated in emergency response against the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The cooperative response included the marketing of the agro product, the supply of agriculture input, and cash support to the Local Government.  The following table summarizes the cooperative emergency response against the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

S.NName of CooperativeCOVID-19 Response Support
1Himsikhar Agriculture CooperativeThe cooperative manufactured 1050 mask (worth of NRs. 21500) and donated to Geruwa Rural Municipality, Bardiya to minimize the risk of COVID 19. The cooperative runs the bag industry
2Saino Agriculture Cooperative Saino Cooperative supported rice and vegetables worth of NRs. 6000 to quarantine operated by Geruwa Rural Municipality management. The cooperative collected the vegetables from member with the objective promoting their product.
Considering the potential risk of seed shortage, the cooperative did bulk purchase of 3500 kg rice seed and distributed to 90 member at competitive market rate.
3Shree Asal Agricultural CooperativeBefore the lockdown, the cooperative was collecting 45lit milk from 18 dairy farmers. The lockdown reduced the market demand of the milk drastically. The private collector who were collecting milk form the dairy farmer stopped collecting milk. However, the cooperative increased milk collection after the lockdown 95 lit milk from 38 farmer and started milk processing at local level. The cooperative maintained social distance while collecting the milk.

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Sonaha Bikash Samaj
Address : Rajapur Municipality-1, Himalipur, Bardiya Nepal
Phone : +977 9864877650 / 9814592412
Email : [email protected]
