२७ फाल्गुण २०८१, मंगलबार

General Assembly
General Assembly is the SBS Bardiya is apex decision-making & governing of the organization that consists of all general members. It meets annually in an AGM. It meets annually to review and provide overall institutional policy framework. The GA reviews, endorses and approves law amendments, strategies, programmes institutional progress, provides strategic direction, approves work plans and budgets and ensures that SBS Bardiya is operating within the overall policy framework towards the organization’s vision, mission, strategies and objectives. also reviews and the annual financial audit report of the organization. Once in every 2 year, the General Assembly elects a new Executive Committee. It provides Executive Committee certain day-to-day policy making mandates and creates special committees for specific assignments, if any. SBS Bardiya continues increasing membership and developing their capacity through in-house trainings and exposure opportunities. New member’s can join SBS Bardiya after getting thorough orientation from SBS Bardiya. Associate members are those members who are only associated with the SBS Bardiya through its ongoing programs. They are given membership to recognize their contribution and dedication towards SBS Bardiya mission. Associate members have no voting rights and are not eligible to participate in General Assembly’s closed session. The tenure of associate membership is for three year.

Executive Committee
A total of 9 elected members constitute SBS Bardiya Executive Committee as per the constitutional provision. The Executive Committee is the only authorized body to execute policies, plans and mandates approved by the General Assembly. Democratic culture in organizational leadership is consistently practiced. This feature reflects the dynamic nature of leadership in the organization.

Organization Management Committee
Management Committee is the supreme management mechanism led by the Executive Director/Team leader. It consists of Program Manager, Program/Project Officers, Admin/Finance Officers, Program coordinators, and Information and Communication Officers. The Management Committee is responsible for overall management of the organization and implementation of the program.

Board of Advisers
SBS Bardiya has a Board of Advisers, which provides advice’s and consultations as per need of the organization. Currently there are five Board of Advisers. Every two years, the newly elected Executive Committee appoints members to the Board as Advisers.

Coordination & liaison office
Management functions include: Human Resource Management; coordination and linkage, resource mobilization, Monitoring and Evaluation; Publication, Media and Communication; Information Technology; Administration and Logistics; Finance; Procurement; Maintenance, Capacity Building &Training, Organizational development, Legal Advice; and Internal and External Audit. Managers will lead and also be responsible for human resource management functions as assigned by the Executive chief.

District Office
According to the requirements of project implementation, district offices are headed by District Team leader & program Headed By program Coordinators. Based on the project work plan, each district office reviews its field function on a monthly basis and provides progress reports to the Team Leader and Program Directors. The program Coordinator will be responsible for the overall district program operation including coordinating and reporting on the projects within the districts. The Team leader appoints the District Coordinator among the project staffs.

Team Leader
The Team Leader, as the Executive Head provides strategic leadership and guidance to SBS Bardiya District offices and represents SBS Bardiya on various forums and drives the vision, mission, strategies, and objectives of the organisation. The Team Leader has the general responsibility of operating day-to-day management functions and provides overall supervision to all District level comprising of program, projects, general administration, human resource management, financial management, and knowledge management. The Team Leader may appoint senior staff to provide advice on program management of the organisation.

Human Resource
SBS Bardiya has gained good experience in community based development and strengthened its capabilities through its various community based development activities. The organization has developed physical facilities to stimulate the organizational management capacities and well skilled human resources to accomplish assigned activities at the best capacities. SBS Bardiya’s core competency lies in the activities that it undertakes in villages. This is possible because of a strong team, 96% of whom are from the region. The team has made SBS Bardiya’s expansion possible and provides continuity. Team Leaders, coordinators, Program officers and filed officers, Field staffs provide the requisite leadership. A majority of SBS Bardiya’s senior staff have been with the organisation for more than a decade. The SBS Bardiya’s team is led by the Team leader who is accountable to the governing body.

Organogram of SBS Bardiya (Updated on 12 January, 2021)



Social Media


Sonaha Bikash Samaj
Address : Rajapur Municipality-1, Himalipur, Bardiya Nepal
Phone : +977 9864877650 / 9814592412
Email : [email protected]
