२७ फाल्गुण २०८१, मंगलबार

A. Management Capability:

Organization is managed by a General Assembly that provides major policy guidelines to the Executive Committee, which consists of nine members and meets at every months. The Executive Committee members of SBS possess a multi-disciplinary background comprising specialists in agriculture, economics, sociology and other social sciences, management and development activism.

B. Human Resources:
There is a team of staff headed by the Executive coordinator who undertakes and supervises all the activities related to program implementation. Field staffs are based in the field depending on the nature and duration of the programs / projects.

C. Financial Management and Control:
SBS has developed its own financial management and internal control mechanism and has been using it for monitoring and evaluation of the projects. We have our own mechanism, policies, and procedures used to monitor and minimize operational errors and risks. SBS has its own financial management system to provide reasonable assurances that staff perform and transect according to management direction and their authorization level. The major thrust of financial management and control are:
1. Accounting system:
We are using standard computerized accounting system. All transactions are recorded and financial statements prepared according to accepted accounting principles, to reflect actual financial conditions, structure and result of operation.
2.Internal Reports:
SBS has designed its accounting systems to facilitate the preparation of internal reports necessary to review key areas of operation. The Executive Committee periodically reviews all the reports.
3. Audit Programme:
SBS has an adequate audit programme. The General Assembly of SBS appoints professional external auditor to perform annual audit. The audit report is reviewed in the meeting of Executive Committee and is submitted to the General Assembly, for its final approval. The audit report is also provided to the concerned agencies.

D. Administrative Management and Control:
Administrative management is taken as a key factor that affects success or failure of the development endeavours. We have established lines of command and responsibilities and provision the hiring of qualified employees, as per the need of the programme. For effective administration, monitoring is focused on:
1.Written Policy and Procedures:
SBS has its written policy and working procedures to direct operations and has established clear limit and authority. We frequently update these policies and procedures.
2. Programme Execution:
The General Assembly establishes control and direction through annual programme and the long-term vision, while the Executive Committee executes all the approved programmes as per the control and vision of the General Assembly. All the programmes are reviewed in regular meetings of the Executive Committee and necessary amendments are made, if necessary.
3. Personnel Policy:
SBS has its own personnel policies which are made familiar to all employees to all the staff. We are an equal opportunity providing organization.

E. Program Management:
SBS has developed participatory and self monitoring functional mechanism. The major components of internal monitoring and evaluation are:
1. Action Plan:
The Programme Coordinator of each project, in close consultation with the Executive Director and respective partners, prepares annual action plan. Each individual worker in each project prepares monthly activity plan, in a daily activity sheet provided by the central office.

2. Monthly Review:
The activities performed during the months are reviewed in monthly meetings held at the field level. The representative from central office also participates in these meetings. Necessary decisions are taken to improve the work performance of each individual staff at the field level.

3. Review in Executive Committee Meetings:
The performance status of each project is discussed in the meetings of the Executive Committee. The committee gives directives for better performance, as and when needed.

4. Periodic Review:
The periodic reports are reviewed by the Executive Team of the Central Office. The review meetings are also held with respective donors and necessary directives prepared for better performance.

F. Commitment to Adherence with Anti-Corruption Policy:
SBS is fully committed to the policy of anti-corruption. For anti-corruption and alleviation of corruption from the society, we have the following policies:
1. Transparent in all aspects of our activities, financially and also in programmers.
2. Belief that everyone has to be accountable and responsible on the task entrusted to him/her.
3. Non-belief on unpredictable works. We plan and carryout the proposed works. We discourage ad-holism.
4. Respect to the dignity of labor of each individual, in the society.

G. Commitments to Open Learning:
SBS believes that every action generates new learning that is critically reflected from experiences and is based upon the goal of the project to achieve. New learning not necessarily depends on success cases only, rather failure cases also provide enough ground to learn and correct it for not repeating the same, in the future. For this, SBS is open to learn the ground reality and adopt new strategies with innovative ideas to address effectively. SBS mainly emphasizes on three elements to cope up with changing context: a) management styles of the team to be dynamic with situation-functional context; b) creating positive attitudes of persons and partners involved to make the efforts effective; and c) willingness to act upon with strong commitment, to make the work a success.
We believe on open learning and create environment for every individual and stakeholder feel that their ideas and suggestions are valued and communicated openly on regular basis. Equally, SBS does undertake regular and informal discussion with primary stakeholders regarding progress, relationships, and ways and means of improving the actions.

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Sonaha Bikash Samaj
Address : Rajapur Municipality-1, Himalipur, Bardiya Nepal
Phone : +977 9864877650 / 9814592412
Email : [email protected]
